Our young horses were ridden by Réka Cseppentő and Zsófia Apáti at the dressage competition of Mórahalom.
After many trainings and lots of care the first competion has finally arrived for the young horses of the Akhal Stud of Ópusztaszer. Kincső, Emese, Vajk and Anka have never participated in a such challenge, but thanks to their careful education, they could wait quietly for being called to the start.
The horses performed excellently despite the rainy wether and the slippery soil. Réka Cseppentő took 2nd place in L2 category with Kincső and also 2nd place in A3 with Emese. Zsófia Apáti took 5th place with Vajk and 6th place with Anka in A3 category.